-In Israeli, the packaging of goods is divided by manufacturing materials. The packaging is classified into:
Carton packaging
Plastic packaging, paper and carton packaging;
Western and aluminum packages;
Glass packaging;
Others (mainly wood).
Meanwhile, in Germany, Holland, packaging is classified according to two basic criteria:
- Classification of packaging according to the manufacturing materials including glass packaging, steel, aluminum, plastic, composite materials (mainly carton);
- Sorting by purpose of use, including: Commercial packaging (including bags, boxes, bottles, baskets), outer packaging (second) - intermediate packaging (used for advertising), packaging The third (trans)
Plastic packaging
- In our country, for different research purposes, the packaging is usually classified in the following ways:
According to the purpose of use: the packaging is divided into two types: inner packaging and outer packaging;
According to the number of uses, there will be one use packaging and multiple use packaging;
- Classification according to hardness (compressive strength): including hard packing, semi-hard packing, soft packing;
- Classification according to the degree of specialization will have common packaging and specialized packaging;
- Classification according to the materials usually consists of: plastic packaging, metal packaging, paper packaging, carton and paperboard, paper packaging, cardboard and cardboard, ...
- In the commercial business, the selection of packaging suitable for each mode of business, each market, each type of goods is extremely important, greatly affecting the effectiveness of business activities. business. A good product is not necessarily sold when it is not designed and packaged in accordance with consumer requirements. This is also the goal that the packaging industry is required to study and achieve results in the coming years.